A Season to Celebrate

The last six weeks of every year—from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s—are full of incredible reminders of God’s presence and goodness.

But these weeks also tend to be incredibly busy and demanding. It’s easy to spend these weeks pulled from one special ministry event or family celebration to the next with no time to breathe in between. For many the season simply passes by in a blur of activity and hurry.

Add to that the pressure as a teacher or preacher of preparing holiday-themed lessons or messages—multiple years in a row to the same people—and there is another demand on a full calendar season.

Yet, for Christians, Thanksgiving and Christmas ought to be two of the most celebrated and reflected upon holidays of the year. And the New Year ought to be approached with renewed dedication to the Lord, not frazzled leftovers from a stressed out month.

It is for these reasons that I recently wrote a brand new adult Sunday school curriculum—A Season to Celebrate: Experience God’s Grace in the Busyness of the Season. I am so excited about releasing this mini-series, and I pray it will be a help and blessing to teachers and students alike.

This November and December will mark my twenty-ninth year of preaching Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s messages to the same church family. Pulling six of my favorite, I compiled this six-lesson curriculum.

Through these lessons, encourage your students to pause to reflect on the grace of God so richly celebrated in Thanksgiving, manifested in Christmas, and remembered at the beginning of a new year. Lesson titles include the following:

  1. A Season to Give Thanks
  2. A Season to Hope
  3. A Season to Worship
  4. A Season to Rejoice
  5. A Season to Proclaim
  6. A Season to Press On

The first lesson is written to be taught the Sunday before Thanksgiving, the next four the Sundays preceding Christmas, and the final lesson the last Sunday of the year.

Each lesson is written with one goal—to point hearts toward Jesus as we celebrate His grace.

For more information or to order teacher or student books, visit strivingtogether.com.

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