In celebration of the twentieth year of West Coast Baptist College, I am planning to post a monthly interview with WCBC alumni who are serving around the world.

This month’s interview is with Pastor Kyle Haynes who graduated from WCBC in 2001. Pastor Haynes and his wife, Kami, came to WCBC as married students with a young family. They have five children: Ashley, Preston, Austin, Jenna, and Braedon. Ashley and her husband, Matt, are also graduates of WCBC, and Preston is currently in his sophomore year at WCBC.


One of the things that I remember most about Pastor Haynes from his college years was his faithfulness. Even as a married student with a family, he was consistent, focused, and faithful as a husband, dad, student, and servant in ministry. I praise the Lord for how He is using the Haynes family in ministry today!

1. In what ministry and role do you currently serve?

I serve as the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Baptist Church in Morgan Hill, California. I just celebrated my tenth anniversary.

2. What is a way in which you have seen God’s blessing in ministry over the past twelve months?

About six months ago our church made a concentrated effort to reach out to the community for our Friend Day. As we prayed and worked, God blessed not only that day but the weeks to follow. That day we had over 350 in attendance with 7 salvations! The following weeks were filled with visitors each Sunday which led to 7 families in discipleship, 5 baptisms, 2 weddings, and 4 couples joining the church. Glory to God!

3. Will you describe a time when you saw God’s supernatural provision for a dream you wanted to accomplish for Him?

Several years ago the Lord put it on my heart to move our church to a different location. Once He led us to the property, He burdened my heart to preach a series from the book of Joshua during which time we held a stewardship campaign and took an offering on a Sunday night service. That Sunday evening I preached a message entitled “What Mean Ye by These Stones?” and the Lord met with us in a special way. As people came forward that night they each picked up a stone that many of them still display in their home or office to remind them what God did in their heart by faith. After the invitation we took a cash offering of over $150,000 and a commitment offering for more than $150,000. I will never forget that service.

4. What piece of advice would you give to someone preparing for or entering the ministry?

Don’t do it—without a clear call on your life from the Lord. Because when people start to leave the church and Satan is beguiling even the most “spiritual” people around you, you are going to have to know beyond a doubt that God has called you there. Without a clear call you, will be an hireling rather than a spiritual shepherd.

5. What encouragement would you give to someone currently serving in ministry?

Don’t quit! The devil’s greatest weapon is discouragement, and he will target the pastor more than anyone. Never pre-write your resignation letter without taking counsel from at least half a dozen pastors.

Don’t change ministries without God’s direct hand. Fruit only comes by labor, and you have to wait for it to grow. I think many times the devil is more patient than preachers. One of the greatest things in all the world is to watch the children of the people you led to Christ and discipled get saved, go to Bible college, marry, and serve the Lord. It is addicting if you give it a chance.

6. What specific prayer requests can I, fellow alumni, and readers of this blog pray with you for the next 12 months?

  • That God would allow us to complete our parking lot project and raise half the money required to do so.
  • That He would prepare the hearts of people in Morgan Hill, California, so that when we knock on their door or meet them in the community they would be ready and receptive to the gospel.
  • That God would prepare our hearts to listen to the Holy Spirit so that we don’t miss opportunities to speak to hearts He’s prepared!

7. What was the greatest truth or principle you learned while at Lancaster Baptist Church and West Coast Baptist College?

Ministry is about people. Relationships that are surface accomplish nothing. But relationships with a purpose accomplish much. Building a relationship on the love of Christ unlocks the door of a heart and allows you to minister to the needs of people. If they know how much you care they will want to know about your Saviour and how they can serve Him too.

8. When you recommend WCBC to young people preparing for ministry, what are a few reasons you encourage them to enroll?

I always say, “I suppose you could go anywhere, but you want to go where the spirit of the students reflects the spirit of the leadership—and that spirit ought to be a servant’s spirit. What you will find at WCBC is the Spirit of Christ; you will sense it the moment you step onto the campus and the day you sit through a service, and you will know that it is the place where God wants you to be.”

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