
Every year, the workshops at Spiritual Leadership Conference cover a wide range of topics and provide many practical helps. This year, however, although we offered more workshops than ever before, we divided them into just two tracks—workmen of God and works of God. Every workshop was focused on providing renewal in one (or both) of these two areas.

If you were able to attend the conference, you know that between the variety of the topics and the experience of the speakers, there was practical encouragement and help for everyone.

The good news is that all of these workshops are available for free download at strivingtogether.com. I suggest five ways these downloads may be helpful to you:

  1. For review—Remember that session you discovered was the reason you attended the conference? Perhaps it refreshed your focus or provided the practical action steps you needed in a specific area of ministry. Download the audio, and listen to it again—and possibly again.
  2. To hear sessions you missed—Most likely, there were multiple sessions you wanted to attend taking place at the same time. These downloads are your opportunity to hear the sessions you couldn’t attend.
  3. As a personal mini-conference—If you were unable to attend Spiritual Leadership Conference, these downloads are for you. And don’t be overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. Even if you pick out five or six to listen to, you will have heard as many workshop sessions as you would have heard during the conference. Take an hour an afternoon for a week, and listen to sessions that will encourage and equip you for ministry.
  4. As staff or team training—If you are a pastor or lead a local church ministry team, consider asking your staff or team to listen to a specific session that would help them understand your philosophy of ministry and/or provide practical teaching that would help them grow in their ministry roles.
  5. With outlines and notes—Although any of these sessions would be great to listen to on a commute, while exercising, or while working a project that leaves your mind free, a download of all of the session outlines is available. If you are dedicating time specifically to listen to the session—or if you are asking your staff to do the same—the outlines are a helpful companion resource.

In addition to the workshop session downloads, all of the preaching videos are available on the conference site.

We pray these downloads and videos are a help and encouragement to you, providing renewal for the work of the Lord.

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