
As I wrote my newest book, Out of Commission, I had a specific audience in mind—you!

Seriously, I wrote this book for both pastors and laypeople with the goal of encouraging and equipping all of us in making Christ’s last command our first priority.

If you’re wondering if this book is indeed for you (or if it would be a good read for someone you know), here are ten ways to know:

  1. If you believe Christ’s last command should be your first priority, but you sometimes struggle to make that happen…
  2. If you know the Holy Spirit is the Real Soulwinner, but you long to see Him use you to reach the lost…
  3. If you want to more intentionally develop relationships for the purpose of sharing the gospel…
  4. If you want the heartbeat of God to be your heartbeat and the Commission of Christ to be your passion…
  5. If you believe that your relationship with God is the starting place for your witness for God…
  6. If you are a young Christian and you want to learn how to lead others to Christ, or you are already a soulwinner but you want to be more fruitful…
  7. If you desire to lead young Christians to spiritual maturity through discipleship and mentoring…
  8. If you lead or help in a soulwinning ministry at your church or you want to inspire and equip others to be better soulwinners…
  9. If you want to develop an intentional strategy for reaching your community for Christ, including soulwinning and special days in the church…
  10. If you believe that love works in reaching people with the gospel, but you want to be more intentional in communicating Christ’s love to your community…

If any of these are true of you…you should read Out of Commission

If, as you read, you think of others who should read it, please share a copy with them. And, if you share statements or truths from the book on social media, please use the hashtag #outofcommissionbook.

I’m praying the Lord will use this book to help His people reengage in the Great Commission which He has given us!

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