
The 2014 Spiritual Leadership Conference is fast approaching—it’s now less than nine weeks away.

If you have not yet registered for the conference, I would encourage you to do so today. Here are seven reasons I believe you need to register—the first two of which are why you need to register today:

7. Free book

When you register before April 15, you receive a gift copy of my newest book, Out of Commission. This book (which is actually at press now) deals with how we often struggle in our soulwinning, and it provides practical teaching on how to return to our Lord’s Great Commission. Register today, and get your copy free!

6. Preferred seating

The evening preaching services are the highlights of Spiritual Leadership Conference—and they are packed. Register before May 2, and you receive reserved seating in the main auditorium. The earlier you register, the better your seating assignment will be.

5. Equipping workshops

In the eighty-plus sessions that will be provided for full-time workers and lay leaders, you will find several areas of emphasis:

  • In the area of soulwinning, our staff will teach the nuts and bolts approach of how to strategically reach your community with the gospel.
  • In the area of music, we will emphasize hymn-based music and teach how to structure a God-honoring music ministry.
  • In the church administration sessions, we are including teaching on budgeting, staff development, and managing information.
  • In Christian education, our staff will bring sessions on merging creativity and quality Christian instruction.
  • Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, there will be sessions for all delegates, regardless of their areas of emphasis, that deal with renewing a personal, vibrant walk with God.

Through these sessions, every pastor will be encouraged to renew the vision and priorities of an authentic New Testament church, and every staff member and lay leader will be encouraged to help fulfill the vision that God is kindling in their pastor’s heart.

4.  Challenging preaching

As mentioned a moment ago, the evening services are the highlights of the conference. The preaching from God’s Word is powerful, challenging, strengthening, faith-building, and renewing. From the opening music to the final amen, each service will encourage you to serve the Lord from a renewed heart and with renewed fervor. (You can find all of the sessions and preachers for the 2014 conference at slconference.com.)

3. Encouraging fellowship

This is one of the aspects of Spiritual Leadership Conference that I cherish. Getting to spend time with friends from ministries around the nation and encourage one another in the Lord is a blessing.

On Monday afternoon we host a church planters luncheon with a seasoned guest speaker. Each year, I’m encouraged to hear how God is raising up churches around the nation, and it’s a privilege to bring church planters together for encouragement and instruction. (For more details or to register for this complimentary luncheon, contact Larry Chappell.)

2. Soulwinning emphasis

The core of effective ministry in the twenty-first century is the same as it was in the first century—preaching the gospel and discipling new believers. Through preaching, sessions, and equipping resources, be encouraged at Spiritual Leadership Conference to “keep the main thing the main thing” and to labor toward cultivating fruit that remains in your local church.

1. Personal and ministry renewal

I believe the theme of Renew is greatly needed by each of us as we labor in the midst of a God-denying culture. Every week, pastors and Christian workers drop out of the race due to fatigue or discouragement. We need God to renew our inner man by the power of His Spirit. We need Him to renew our faith, our vision, our purpose, and our strength.

I am asking the Lord to renew our spirit, our stand, and our soulwinning zeal through this year’s conference. Our church family is likewise praying fervently that a great renewing and reviving work will take place at this year’s conference. Our staff is diligently preparing for the services and the sessions.

I’d ask you to join us in prayer to this end. And if you have not yet already registered, you can do so today at slconference.com. (Remember, register before April 15 and receive a free book and preferred seating!)

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