In a day when churches are bowing to the culture and the whims of this generation, we find—much like the “church of the Laodiceans” in Revelation 3—that Christ is outside the church rather than inside.

Some years ago, an idea was pushed on pastors across America that we should market the church by finding out what kind of church people would like to have and then giving consumers their desire. It was called the “seeker-sensitive church.” The seeker-sensitive term isn’t used as much anymore, but the larger idea isn’t dead. People use different terms today, but their meaning is the same—it’s up to us to define and reinvent the church to please our generation.

I’m a firm believer, however, that since Christ is the owner of the church and since He purchased it with His blood (Acts 20:28), it is my responsibility to please Him above people.

In this growth points video, I share several principles for cultivating a Saviour-sensitive church in this generation:

(If you cannot see this video in your RSS reader or email, you can watch it here.)

Note: In the video, I mention the small book The Saviour-Sensitive Church. For more information or to order from Striving Together Publications, click here

Make sure you get all future Growth Points videos by subscribing to the Spiritual Leadership Podcast.

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