
I’m burdened for my country—on many levels. I don’t believe there are any quick fixes, but I do believe there is one foundational fix that would change everything—revival. A genuine, Spirit-sent revival of God’s people.

Actually, most Christians I know are burdened for revival in America. But too few actually pray for revival. We hope for it, long for it, dream of it. But do we pray for it?

This summer I read a book by Dr. Benny Beckum, a friend in the ministry—Prayer for Revival: A Textbook on Prayer, Fasting, and Revival.

I found the book to be an encouragement to me in my prayer life, and I’ve since recommended it to several others others. It’s biblical, practical, and applicable for every Christian.

There are no short cuts to an abiding prayer life. There is no secret to effectual, fervent prayer. Prayer is a spiritual discipline that requires time and, yes, emotional investment as we seek God’s face.

But while there are no short cuts, there is Bible instruction on prayer. In fact, there’s a great deal of Bible instruction on prayer. And that is what Brother Beckum has captured in this excellent book.

From the recorded prayers of the saints of old to biblical postures of prayer to specific passages instructing in prayer to the relationship between fasting and prayer, this book leads you through the pages of Scripture into the prayer closet.

Written in simple laymen’s terms, and yet very applicable for pastors, the book is both thorough (370 pages) and straightforward. As the subtitle indicates, it is designed as a textbook on prayer. If you’re not an avid reader, don’t let the 370 pages scare you. It’s set in a larger font, and you can easily read a chapter at a time or jump in at any chapter. I read it straight through and benefited from it.

If you’re looking for Bible truths to strengthen your prayer life, if you’re burdened for revival, if you desire to grow as an intercessor, I recommend you read this book.

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