
The Lord graciously and powerfully blessed Spiritual Leadership Conference last week. The preaching, music, testimonies, teaching…it was evident that God’s anointing was on all of it. The Holy Spirit worked in so many of our lives—convicting, challenging, changing us.

It is my prayer, however, that Spiritual Leadership Conference will be more than an experience. I pray it will be a launch point from which we continue to grow.

How can you process and implement what God did in your life through this conference? Here are five suggestions:

1. Collect and review notes and materials.

Carve out time to collect and review all your message notes, handouts, and resources. Lay them before the Lord, and ask for His guidance in implementing and acting on what He has done in your life.

2. Share decisions with others.

Schedule a date night to have a heart to heart talk with your spouse sharing the Holy Spirit’s work in your heart. Share with a few close friends in ministry the specific areas in which you committed to launch out by faith, and ask them to pray with you as you obey at His Word.

3. List and time activate actionable items.

Did God convict you regarding your prayer life? Did the Lord speak to your heart regarding beginning a new ministry? Did you purchase a book you need to read? List these action items in one place and develop a strategy for following through. I especially encourage pastors to review the eight-fold call in the America Tomorrow book and prayerfully set steps in motion to implement this action plan.

4. Share free download links.

All of the service videos and workshop audios are available for free download. Additionally, the America Tomorrow session and book are available for free (the book in pdf, mobi (kindle), or epub).

If the Lord used these messages and sessions in your life, share them with a friend who was not able to attend.

5. Seek God’s face and His power.

To launch out without Christ’s presence and direction is pointless. Zeal means little without the wind of God’s Spirit. As Charles Spurgeon so aptly said, “Without the Spirit of God we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind or chariots without steeds.”

Even as you list and follow up on the action items the Lord impressed on your heart during the conference, remember to seek the filling of His Spirit as you launch out.

I’m grateful for the work the Lord did in my life last week—pointing out areas to launch at His Word. I’m looking forward to seeing what lies beyond the next horizon.

If we can help you in any way as you process this conference, please feel free to contact our church office. To register for next year’s conference, click here.

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