When we first launched the Spiritual Leadership Conference twenty years ago, it was obvious to me that there was a need for emphasis on a biblical model of leadership.

Not the kind of leadership where pastors write and circulate mean letters about one another. Not the kind where leaders are known for sharp criticism. Not the kind where we lift ourselves up.

We wanted a conference that was based on a common understanding that we need the Holy Spirit’s filling in our lives. An understanding that if we would walk in the Spirit as leaders, we would not fulfill the lusts of the flesh expressed through carnal leadership. An understanding that it is only by pride that contention comes.

God has blessed the emphasis of spiritual leadership in this conference. This year, in particular, I’m praying that God will bring about revival in our hearts through the conference. I’m praying that the spiritual leadership in our churches will come to a new dimension by the grace of God.

In this growth points video, I share three aspects of the conference that are emphasized every year: spiritual leadership, servant leadership, and soulwinning leadership.

(If you cannot see this video in your RSS reader or email, you can watch it here.)

Much of the conference will be live streamed at lbclive.tv. But I invite you to personally join us. We’d love to serve you in any way that we can. We do have a few dorm rooms available yet, and we provide airport transportation as well.

We look forward to joining together to lift up the name of Christ and learn how to better follow His model of servant leadership.

For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.—Mark 10:45

Make sure you get all future Growth Points videos by subscribing to the Spiritual Leadership Podcast.

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