
  1. Her Love for the Lord—My wife did not come from a Christian home, but she established her own consistent walk with God after being saved through a bus ministry in Northern California.
  2. Her love for me—We’ve been married for over thirty-two years, and I’ve not yet seen the end of the many ways she shows her sacrificial love for me.
  3. Her love and care for our children—Terrie is the best at creating memories, teaching biblical principles, and helping me to be a balanced father and grandfather.
  4. Her love for our grandchildren—She has a passion to see them know Christ.
  5. Her love for our extended family—Terrie has always been a mercy shower and a peacemaker.
  6. Her love for our local church—The epitome of a faithful church member, Terrie is always present, continually reaching out to encourage and comfort others, and labors in soulwinning and ministry.
  7. Her love for hospitality – Terrie loves to cook and serve God’s people. She’s even forgiven me for the times I sprang unexpected company on her.
  8. Her love for children—Terrie teaches the fourth grade girls’ Sunday school class, and she loves her students dearly. She prays for them, spends hours weekly preparing lessons and activities, and invests herself to encourage their faith and walk with God.
  9. Her love for teaching—Terrie teaches a class each semester at West Coast Baptist College. This semester is the Methods and Materials class for teaching. She loves preparing the next generation of Christian servants.
  10. Her love for making memories—From family Easter egg hunts to grand birthday parties to dinner on the “Special Plate,” Terrie has always made home life special.
  11. Her love for Christ in difficult times—At the side of a child’s hospital bed or when ministry was hurting us in some way, Terrie has never been bitter or divisive.
  12. Her love for the simple things—Terrie has never been materialistic. She is as content with a night at home as she is with any nice hotel or getaway.
  13. Her love and appreciation for genuine Christian living—Terrie has never been a pompous, loud, or proud person. She does not glory in her standards or Christian growth; she glories in her Lord.
  14. Her love for me—I know I said this once, but when I consider her love and patience with a type-A personality, pastor/husband, I am truly humbled, honored, and blessed.

I love you, Terrie! I know I don’t deserve you, and I’m so blessed to have you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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Paul Chappell
Pastor Paul Chappell

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