Psalm 105 is rich with practical admonitions for Thanksgiving. But two in particular have captured my attention this year:

“Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.”—Psalm 105:2

Sing to Him

I’m planning to preach this Sunday from Luke 1 about Mary’s song of worship. When she sang, her whole purpose was to exalt the Lord. In fact, her worship convicted me that sometimes mine is too shallow. It’s so easy for our singing—especially congregational singing—to become mechanical rather than purposeful.

This Thanksgiving, pick up a hymn book, and sing praise to the Lord.

Talk of His Works

We live in a negative world. Even church can become a place of negative focus on the moral downslide of our culture and the failure of Christians to be salt and light. Sometimes it’s simply encouraging to hear how God is working. After all, He still uses the teaching and preaching of His Word to change hearts and lives!

This Thanksgiving, share with someone else several of the great things God has done in your life over the past months.

In song and in testimony, it’s important that we make times to verbalize thanks to our great God!

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