If you garden or farm, you know that growth requires tending. A good harvest requires attention to the plants themselves. Strong, healthy plants produce abundant fruit.

Likewise, a deeply rooted and spiritually healthy Christian needs personal growth and renewal. Spiritual Leadership Conference is a chance to revive your roots as a Christian leader or worker. The conference begins in less than two weeks, and I’d like to encourage you to attend and pray for the conference.

In the video below, I share four specific ways that this conference can revive your roots in the Lord and equip you for ministry.

(If you cannot see this video in your RSS reader or email, you can watch it here.)

Note: Spiritual Leadership Conference is June 10–13, 2012. For more information on the conference, visit lancasterbaptist.org/slc.

Make sure you get all future Growth Points videos by subscribing to the Spiritual Leadership Podcast.

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