Spiritual Leadership Conference is less than three weeks away, and I’m praying for God to do a mighty work in all of our lives through this week.

Please pray with us that God would accomplish these three things through this conference:

1. The glorification of God

We all believe the chief end of man is to glorify God. This conference provides an opportunity to step back and remember the great work of God in our lives and ministries. It’s a time for us to thank God for the souls saved, decisions made, lives changed, missionaries sent, and provisions given—all the work of our faithful God.

When we see the work still remaining to be done, we know that we have just barely scratched the surface. Yet, I’m thankful for this moment when we all glorify God for His great faithfulness to honor His Word and build His church.

2. The inspiration of others

Every moment of this conference is prayed over. For months now, I’ve been praying over each song, video, special speaker, workshop session, and even the lunch menus! But I especially ask the Lord, “Please inspire the heart of every person who comes.”

Over the years, as I have received letters after the conference, I’m always humbled by the work of encouragement and edification God has done in lives. Some who were discouraged and ready to quit the ministry write to say that God used Spiritual Leadership Conference to encourage them and strengthen them to stay in the work. In addition to this, young preachers, West Coast Baptist Collage alumni, staff members, deacons, laypeople—so many share how the conference was life-changing and ministry-shaping.

It’s easy to lose our zeal. Everyone needs times of inspiration, and I pray that this week will inspire every person who attends to remember the power and the promises of God.

3. Fresh vision for the future

Sometimes Satan whispers, “It doesn’t work anymore. The great works of the past are over. Quit trying.” But when we pause a moment to see God’s faithfulness in the past and His work in other places, we receive fresh vision and faith for the future.

I long to see God’s work increase—in our church, and in other independent Baptist churches around the world. I believe that the Lord uses this conference to refocus our hearts on His greatness and to reignite our vision for what His power could do through us.

I’m greatly anticipating the fellowship and spiritual renewal of Spiritual Leadership Conference. Please pray with us that the Lord will be glorified, His servants will be inspired, and all of us will leave with renewed vision for what He can do through us.

For more information about the conference or to register, visit lancasterbaptist.org/slc.

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