Every January—since 1987—Lancaster Baptist Church has had winter revival services. Each year we’ve had the same preacher—Dr. John Goetsch. And every year God has used this time in a mighty way in our church.
Perhaps one reason God has so profoundly blessed these meetings over the years is because of the intense desire our church family has to see God work in their hearts. At the beginning of January, we ask every able member of our church to join together in a month of prayer and fasting. And every year, hundreds of our members participate.
Fasting has been defined as, “Abstaining from food or pleasure for a period of time for spiritual reasons.” Some choose to fast for a certain meal one or more days, and some choose to fast for entire twenty-four hour periods. But for all who are able and willing, we suggest the following fast:
- Week One: Jan 3–9 Dessert Fast
- Week Two: Jan 10–16 Coffee/Soda Fast
- Week Three: Jan 17–23 Bread Fast
- Week Four: Jan 24–31 Media Fast
Making these lifestyle adjustments for an entire month help us all to focus our hearts on the Lord and on hearing His voice. They help us concentrate our desires on spiritual values.
I thank the Lord for a church family who earnestly desires and fervently prays for revival. I’m looking forward to our services this year on January 23–26, and I’m greatly anticipating God’s work in our hearts.