With a living room full of cheerleaders, my grandson Camden achieved his first crawl this week. For the past several weeks, he’s enjoyed partial mobility by scooting himself along army-style. But with lots of motivating encouragement, he finally learned to tuck his leg under and mustered the strength to push himself forward. And he is currently the family hero.

As I watched him work on that first crawl with obvious enjoyment for the praise, I wondered—what if every new Christian had a group of godly cheerleaders rooting for his spiritual progress? Just as God designed the natural stages of physical development to be aided by encouragement and praise, so He designed new Christians to be motivated in spiritual growth by godly disciplers and supporters. In God’s plan, growth that is encouraged through relationships produces both growth and deeper relationships, which in turn, produce greater future growth.

What young Christian knows you are in his livingroom, cheering for him and motivating him to the next stage of growth?

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