WCBC Lady EaglesWe’re praying for our West Coast Baptist College ladies’ volleyball team today as they play their first NCCAA national tournament game in  Kissimmee, Florida. This year was the Eagle’s first season in the NCCAA, and the team is currently ranked seventh in the national standings.

More than athletic skill, however, I’ve appreciated our girls’ Christian growth and heart for the Lord. There are three things in particular that have impressed me about our team.

  1. Attitude—They have a willingness to learn and to be taught. They have been teachable and responded well to Coach Shaw’s instruction and the devotion presented at every practice.
  2. Testimony—They have done a tremendous job of representing the Lord and West Coast Baptist College in their modesty and in their spirits. Some women’s sports programs seem to lack in femininity, but our girls have worked for balance. They are both competitive and gracious.
  3. Soulwinning—We praise the Lord that our team has been able to see three people saved on their road trips this season. The girls have faithfully gone soulwinning and handed out tracts on every trip. I’m thankful for their perspective of knowing that, while volleyball wins are exciting, winning souls produces eternal fruit and is far more important.

Thank you, Lady Eagles, for your dedication to having a great attitude, a Christ-honoring testimony, and a heart for souls! I’m praying for you at the tournament!

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