Making a Difference through MissionsThis coming Sunday launches our Missions Conference at Lancaster Baptist Church. We’re looking forward to welcoming many missionaries, and we anticipate God’s blessing as we give through His grace this coming year. What a privilege God gives us to allow us to have a part in His harvest!

The group of men who will be speaking for our conference represents a goldmine of experience and knowledge in missions:

  • Dr. Don Sisk
    WCBC Missions Department Director
  • Dr. Daniel Kim
    Pastor of Bible Baptist Church, Seoul, Korea
  • Dr. Rick Martin
    Veteran Missionary to the Philippines
  • Dr. Tom Lancaster
    Missionary to the Military in Germany

These are men who have served the Lord for many years. They have seen God prove Himself faithful through blessings and hardships, triumphs and trials. I’m looking forward to learning from them, and I’m eagerly anticipating how the Holy Spirit will work through them in our church.

Both the morning and evening Sunday services as well as Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evening services will be broadcasted via livestream at (Sunday morning @ 11:00 PT, Sunday evening @ 5:00 PT, Mon-Wed evening @ 7:00 PT.)

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