Every actively engaged Christian who loves the Lord desires to be a better soulwinner. Following are some tips that I have found make my soulwinning more effective and fruitful:
1. Recognize your responsibility.
Christ commanded us “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Many Christians profess a deep concern for lost souls, but they never share the Gospel with lost people! As it has been said, “His last command should be our first priority.”
2. Submit to the Holy Spirit.
Let the Holy Spirit direct your conversation and guide your responses at each home to which you bring the Gospel. Also be obedient to obey the Holy Spirit’s promptings to witness to others all week long—even if it is not during your scheduled soulwinning time.
3. Evaluate your progress.
We regularly evaluate our efficiency in areas in which success is vital. If your desire is to see people saved, weekly ask yourself some evaluating questions:
- How many unsaved people am I currently cultivating a relationship with?
- How many people has God used me to reach?
- How many others am I involving in soulwinning?
4. Allocate your time.
What doesn’t get scheduled, often doesn’t get done. Regularly set aside time to go into your community to give the Gospel to others.
5. Participate with a partner.
Going soulwinning with a regular partner provides mutual encouragement and accountability. If you are a new Christian, an experienced partner will train you, and if you are a mature soulwinner, taking a young Christian with you allows you a discipling opportunity.
6. Go in expecting faith.
Faith pleases God, and God honors faith. Trust God to use you when you go soulwinning, and go with an expectant heart.
7. Follow-up on prospects.
Keep a “sweetheart” list of people who are interested, but have not yet accepted your invitation to church or made the decision to trust Christ as Saviour. Regularly, visit, send a note, or call them. Remind them that you’re praying for them, and demonstrate your sincerity of interest in their eternal destiny.
8. Assimilate guests.
When guests visit your church, involve them immediately. Enroll them in an adult Bible class, invite them to fellowships, and, once they are saved, encourage them to be baptized and participate in discipleship.
Christ left us here to lead others to Him. I trust these tips help you to fulfill your mission.