arlingtoncemeteryPsalm 77:11 says, “I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.” Throughout the Scriptures we see the word “remember” and are told to remember the blessings of God and the works of the Lord.

On this Memorial Day weekend, we pause to remember God’s blessings in providing freedom to us as American Citizens. This freedom would not be available without the sacrifices of so many men and women who have served our country and who have given their lives faithfully.

The writers of the Declaration of Independence wrote, “…and with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” Since that time, many millions of men and women have followed by giving sacrificially that we might enjoy the freedom we have today.

I remember walking through the Beijing Airport several years ago and seeing large signs that said, “Bringing Christian materials, Bibles, or other religious material into China is unlawful. You will be persecuted.” I remember thanking God for the freedom we had in America. I remember the moment of fear that came into my heart as I realized I could be arrested for passing out tracts in China. While we did pass out gospel tracts in China, the fact remains there is no real freedom there to do so. May we never take for granted the freedom we enjoy because of the sacrifices that are made by our armed forces. As we celebrate this Memorial Day, allow me to share a few thoughts on how we may express our gratitude. 1. Take time to pray and thank the Lord for the sacrifice He made on Calvary that we may be forgiven from our sin and have freedom in Christ. 2. Take time to thank a Vet and let them know how much you appreciate the service and sacrifice they have made on our behalf. 3. Be sure to thank the family members of the fallen. It may be a widow of a World War II era serviceman or it may be a parent of someone who has recently died in serving our country.
As we saw earlier in Psalm 77, we must take time to remember and be thankful for all that God has done.

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