StemCellResearchIt came as no surprise, this past Tuesday morning, that President Obama signed an executive order to lift the ban on stem cell research, as was promised on the campaign trail.

Surrounded by an audience of scientists, religious and political figures, as well as his White House staff, President Obama made this statement before signing the order: “Ultimately, I cannot guarantee that we will find the treatments and cures we seek.” What can be guaranteed is the certain destruction of human embryos. With the federal ban now lifted, human life will be dissected and tested like lab rats.

President Obama went on to say that he is seeking “a day when words like ‘terminal’ and ‘incurable’ are potentially retired from our vocabulary.” As well-intentioned as our President may be, the Bible says in Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

Ultimately, God is the giver as well as the taker of life. He should be the sole authority in when to begin and end life, not man. When man takes the power of God into his own hands, consequences are sure to follow.

As our nation’s leaders degrade the value of human life, may we as Christians continue to uphold the principles of God’s Word. May we stand firm on God’s teachings of the sanctity of life. And may we continue preaching the infallible truths of God’s Word.

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