img_2533One of the exciting changes in our ministry this year has been the addition of a New Members’ Class. When we began the class three weeks ago, it was thrilling to see over ninety people in attendance who have either recently joined or who are interested in membership at Lancaster Baptist.

Of course, baptism is the door to the church.  Acts 2:41 says, “Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.”  Only when a person has been saved and baptized can he or she then be added to the church. While this class does not make one a member of Lancaster Baptist Church, it does ground new members and inform those who are interested in membership through the teaching of basic doctrines and practices of the local church.

This four-week class will run multiple times throughout the year. During our time together so far, I have had the opportunity to teach and share the history of our church, the doctrinal distinctives to which we hold, and the purpose of our church family.  This has already proven to be a profitable time of both growth and fellowship, and I Iook forward to completing this first set of classes next week and watching new Christians continue to mature through the various adult Bible classes.

I praise the Lord for the miraculous work He is accomplishing at Lancaster Baptist Church! I believe there are unique opportunities to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage them in their faith in the weeks and months ahead. In the midst of an economic turndown and difficult times in our nation, it is important that we remain faithful to do what God has called us to do.

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