conference-sessionsEach year I am amazed by how the Lord works during the Spiritual Leadership Conference. Although months of labor by our staff and lay people go into this one week, we realize that we cannot manufacture the presence of God.

I am especially thankful for the Spirit-filled preachers who brought convicting and applicable messages from the Word of God to each service. Dr. Sam Davison, Dr. Bobby Roberson, Dr. R. B. Oullette, & Dr. David Gibbs, Jr. were each used of God in a unique and powerful way.

On the final night of the Spiritual Leadership Conference, Dr. Gibbs brought one of the most powerful missions messages that I have heard in my lifetime.  As a result, over twenty men and women surrendered their lives to serve on the foreign field.

conference-sessionIn the days following Leadership Conference, I have heard personally from dozens of pastors whose ministries were helped through the daytime sessions.  This was the first year to conduct the daytime sessions in the Revels Academic Building.  It was exciting for me to see this building used in such a large-scale way to encourage and equip the conference delegates.

We praise God for the great things He has accomplished.  May we each continue to strive together for the faith of the Gospel.

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