On January 1st, Oprah Winfrey began promoting a year-long course entitled, “The New Age Christ.” Her text for the course is a book entitled A Course in Miracles. Below are a few quotations taken from this book:

“There is no sin.”
“A slain Christ has no meaning.”
“The journey to the cross should be the last useless journey.”
“Do not make the pathetic error of clinging to the old rugged cross.”
“The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol. It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.”

It is no surprise that many Hollywood figures are going full-bore into new age psychology and teaching . And it is no surprise that many of them believe in reincarnation and other such eastern philosophy.

The fact is that if “there is no sin,” then there is the removal of the eternal absolutes of the Word of God and a removal of the accountability factor that is so clearly found in His Word.

If “there is no sin,” then we need no Saviour. If there is no Saviour, then we have no purpose for living our lives!

I am so thankful that Jesus Christ shed his blood and rose again so that we might have redemption for our sins. In these last days of false teaching, along with the promotion of new age philosophy, may we each be ready to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

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