ivotedstickerThis past Tuesday, for many states including California, polling places were opened for the Presidential primary elections.  I hope that each time you have the opportunity to vote, you’ll exercise your right and do so.

I still believe that America is the greatest country on earth.  Each time I cast my vote, I can’t help but think of nations I have visited where there was no such freedom.  God has truly blessed the United States.

Sadly, America has steadily drifted away from the founding Biblical principles that have made her so great.  As the candidates look to reform, propositions, and political parties to offer change and hope, we must realize that our nation’s spiritual needs are much deeper than her economic and political needs. So while candidates look to new political ideas for change, we must look to Jesus.

This upcoming year, as you consider the candidates and their records, remember to consider Christ.

“For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” ~ Hebrews 12:3

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