consider-christOver the course of the next 11 months, candidates from every political party will be campaigning, maneuvering, and positioning for their shot at the presidency. These candidates will pull every available resource in order to get you to consider them, consider their record, and consider their promises.

This November, I will proudly exercise my right to vote; however, I recognize that there is a much more important vote to cast this upcoming year. More important than our consideration for any candidate will be our consideration for Jesus Christ.

This year, will you consider Christ?

The theme for the Lancaster Baptist Church family this year is Consider Christ. This past Sunday night, as we unveilved the theme, I preached a message for Hebrews 12:3 which says, “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”

In this passage we learned that when we consider Christ…

I. We Renew our Focus vs.2a
A. Focus on the Person of Christ Hebrews 11:36-38
1. His Eternality Colossians 1:16-17
2. His Sovereignty Isaiah 44:6

B. Focus on the Work of Christ vs. 2b
1. His work is finished John 19:30
2. He is favored. Ephesians 1:20-21
3. He is faithful. I Timothy 2:5

II. We Refresh our Spiri
t vs. 3
A. Refreshed by His Example
1. He endured the cross
2. He endured the contradiction of sinners. Psalm 69:20

B. Refreshed by His Encouragement
1. When we are weary Isaiah 40:30-31
2. When we are fainting 2 Timothy 1:7

III. We Revive our Purpose
A. We have a heavenly purpose. vs. 2
B. We have a hopeful purpose.
1. Consider Christ in our serving. Philippians 2:5-8
2. Consider Christ in our singing. Colossians 3:16
3.Consider Christ in our stewardship.
4. Consider Christ in our soulwinning. Luke 19:10

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