During my high school years, I enjoyed participating in the track and field events. (I know that may be hard to believe now, but use your imagination.) Between events, our track coach would spend hours working with each runner specifically in how we ought to pass the baton to the runner behind us. If the baton was dropped, the race would end. Much time and practice was devoted to this critical transfer.

ordinationThis past Sunday night our church family was able to ordain four men into the Gospel ministry. This is always a special joy for my heart, as a pastor, to see young men give themselves wholly to the cause of Christ.

As I joined our deacons in the laying on of hands and prayer for these men, I was again reminded of the importance of training up the next generation of Christian leaders. It has been said that Christianity is just one generation from extinction. What a sobering thought! Second Timothy 2:2 says, “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” It is only when we are faithful to commit our own faith to the next generation that the Gospel message will go forth.


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