danielle-dad1Of all the events to take place in our lives or ministry this year, none are as important to Terrie and I as our daughter Danielle’s wedding this Friday. We were just finishing Bible college when she was born, and I honestly have been amazed that this day has come so quickly. We have always felt that our family is our first ministry, and I have prayed daily for twenty four years that God would bring the right man into her life. We are thrilled that Peter came to West Coast Baptist College where he met Danielle, and we covet your prayers for them as they begin to serve the Lord. About a year or so ago, Danielle wrote me the following note. I think she was trying to help me through the transition of watching her fall in love!

Dear Dad,
You are the kind of dad every girl dreams of. I thank the Lord all the time for placing me in our family… Thank you for raising me in a Christian home… in a godly and balanced environment. Thank you for staying in one place my whole life and for providing consistency and security in our home. Thank you for being such a great leader. Thank you for staying faithful to mom and our family. Thank you for staying faithful to the Lord. Thank you for being the world’s greatest pastor… for providing godly influences and hundreds of opportunities to make decisions for the Lord and to grow spiritually in one place. Thank you for ensuring that we received a quality education. Thank you for starting a Bible college. Thank you for the spiritual battles you fight for our family. Thank you for all the long talks – helping us with bad attitudes or bad grades or bad friends. Thank you recently for all the long talks about dating and the future. Thank you for incredible family vacations and for the thousands of wonderful memories we share. Dad, you are the best. God has blessed me beyond measure by allowing me to grow up in your home. I love you and thank you for all you’ve done for me.

Thank you for all the counsel and time you’ve given me in my relationship with Peter. Thank you for loving and guiding me through this transition in my life and for being patient as I have struggled at times in my communication to you regarding Peter.

After much prayer, Bible reading, and meditating on counsel from you and mom, I believe God has given me a perfect peace that Peter is the one for me. God has given me a peace that my heart is not dividing love between you and Peter… but enlarging my heart to be able to love you both differently.

Because the Lord has given me such an awesome and secure upbringing, I have struggled in the aspect of trusting the Lord in my relationship with Peter in one area: I’m leaving the known for the unknown. But I do want to enter the unknown with Peter. I don’t know what God will have in store for our future, but I am trusting the Lord and am excited to see what He will do with our lives.

I love Peter because he loves the Lord. He has a desire to serve Him. He has a drive to be the best he can be for God. He is patient with me, yet firm when he needs to be. He loves me and is incredibly good to me. He has a consistent spirit and temperament, and he has a good attitude. I love Peter because of his desire to grow… personally and spiritually. He seeks counsel and lives life on purpose. He makes decisions based on principle, not on whim or preference. I believe that our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other and make us more effective in the Lord’s work. He’s the first person I want to share things with and my favorite person to be with. He’s got the chemistry, competency, and character you’ve always told me to look for.

Dad, my desire is to live my life in a way that would please the Lord and make you proud. I love you so much…


It is only by God’s grace that He has blessed us with four wonderful children. Today I thank God for a daughter who desires to live for the Lord.

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