My friend, Pastor Dave Teis, has pastored for more than thirty years in Las Vegas, Nevada. What I most respect about Pastor Teis is the fact that all of his grown children are walking in the truth and serving in our Lord’s work, despite being raised in “Sin City.” This, of course, is due to godly upbringing, family devotions, and consistent parenting. But I believe there is another reason his family turned out well: Pastor Teis knows how to have fun with his family.

Too many fundamental pastors have forgotten the “fun” in fundamental.

Often, through his thirty years of pastoring, Brother Teis has taken his family out of Sin City and down to Mickey’s Town for a day or two of family fun. (Rumor has it that there is even a paver in the Teis family name at the entry to the Park.)

We recently had a great day with our children and two grandchildren at Disneyland. (We got there as the Teises were heading back to Vegas.)

For those theologically deep friends of mine, I thought I would share why Disneyland is good for pastors and grandparents:

  1. It’s good to have fun with family! Sometimes we pastors take things too seriously.
  2. It’s great to see a child laugh! A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
  3. Every wife and grandmother appreciates making family memories.
  4. It’s a great place for fellowship. I always see fellow Baptists there. (This week we saw our missionaries to El Salvador, the Charters family.)
  5. It’s a great place to witness. There are plenty of unsaved people there, and people accept a friendly Gospel brochure at Disneyland as well as they do anywhere.
  6. Buzz Lightyear never criticizes me, and Goofy reminds me of ____________ (you can fill that in!)
  7. The sunshine is helpful in providing Vitamin D.

I suppose the list could go on. I look forward to visiting Mickey again, and perhaps bumping into other friends as well in the near future!

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