I’m thanking the Lord for the wonderful way that He blessed at the West Coast Baptist College Youth Conference this week. Several teenagers were saved, and hundreds of others made decisions for the Lord.

This was the first time ever that I have not been able to be present at Youth Conference. I greatly missed preaching and fellowshipping with the students, and I prayed for their hearts to be tender to the Lord.

The theme for the conference was “Step into the Cause.” From the drama performed by WCBC students on Wednesday night to each of the songs and sermons, teens were challenged to definitively yield their lives to the highest cause.

Thousands of hours and many late nights are invested into a conference like this. I’m thankful for our staff, church family, and college students who gave tirelessly of themselves to make this conference possible and successful.

Over the next few days, the videos from the conference (including preaching, the drama, and the new Plainview video) as well as the audio for the preaching services will be posted to wcbc.edu/yc. We pray they are a blessing to those who were not able to attend.

I’m praying for the Lord to continue His work in the life of each young person who made a decision. Some of the most significant decisions of my life were made while I was a teenager—including, as a seventh-grader, answering God’s call to preach. There is a great cause before us, and we need young people to throw themselves wholeheartedly into reaching the world with the Gospel!

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