By now, most every American Christian has heard of the Seeker Sensitive church movement. This movement, which began approximately twenty-five years ago, was a stated attempt to develop church programs and adapt church philosophy through the “felt needs” of those within our society.

I remember in 1987 receiving an invitation to a seminar where I would be taught how to poll a community and find out what kind of a church the community was looking for. The seminar said that if our community did not want conservative music, they would teach us how to replace conservative music with more of a rock ‘n roll style. The seminar advertisement also mentioned altering the style of preaching to more of a conversational teaching and perhaps having offering baskets at the back rather than passing an offering plate.

Since then, the types of changes that have taken place in the church have been significant. After twenty-five years of this humanistic approach, and after hundreds of seminars teaching this approach, we are now seeing the results in our society. I believe American culture is reflecting, in part, the compromise of American churches and pastors. Many pastors who have been so obsessed with pleasing people have simply forgotten some of the basic commandments of the Word of God.

God’s Word is very clear that the Christian is to be conformed to Christ and not to this world. Even on very important subjects related to the current election, many pastors have been silent because, once again, their goal is not to be faithful to the Word, but to keep people happy!

I think it is critical that Christians remember some very important principles in the Word of God as we approach this election. Let us not be seeker-sensitive voters. Let us be sensitive to the Word of God and to the Saviour.

It is critical that we, as a nation, retain our support for Israel. Genesis 12:2-3 says, “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” God has promised that He will bless those who bless Israel and that He will curse those who turn their backs on Israel.

It is critical that we, as a nation, remember that God recognizes the life of the pre-born child. (Jeremiah 1:5)

It is critical that we, here in California, vote according to the Word of God on Proposition 8. God’s Word declares that He established the first marriage between a man and a woman.

The list goes on, but certainly these are three vital areas that must be emphasized in these final days. Please pray for America during this time, and pray for pastors everywhere, that they will teach and preach the Word of God faithfully. Honestly, pastors do not need to endorse candidates if they have rightly divided the Word of God for four years prior to an election. If proper preaching and teaching has occurred, God’s people will know how to cast votes on the various issues and candidates. Let’s pray that there is enough salt and light to help us stand in this society once again.

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