drlessrobersonAs I arrived at church this past Sunday morning, I was given the news that Dr. Lee Roberson, long-time pastor of the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, had gone home to be with the Lord at the age of ninety-seven. There are few men who have impacted the ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church like Dr. Roberson. From our early days of ministry, Dr. Roberson encouraged, instructed, and challenged our church family to move forward for God.

lee-roberson-with-pastorpreviewWhenever a great Christian goes home to be with the Lord, I believe the best way to honor them is to remember their counsel and live it out in our lives. This past Sunday night, our evening service was dedicated to the life and legacy of Dr. Lee Roberson. Dr. Roberson had such a large swath of influence. He had taught us all so much. There were many times that as a young preacher full of questions, I was able to sit across the table from Dr. Roberson and glean from his wisdom. During these times he would inevitably take out a pen and write down his advice to me. As I looked back through the notes I received from Dr. Roberson over the years, there were five biblical lessons that stood out in my mind.

Five Biblical Principles from Dr. Lee Roberson

I. Have a Daily Reckoning
~ Romans 6:10-11

II. Be Filled with the Spirit ~ Ephesians 5:18

III. Have Faith in God ~ Mark 11:22-24

IV. Walk with Compassion ~ Matthew 9:36

V. Live with Expectancy
~ Matthew 24:42

lee-roberson-behind-pulpit-previewAs Dr. Roberson entered Heaven this past Sunday morning, I have no doubt he heard the words, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” I cherish the times I spent with Dr. Roberson, and I am so thankful for all he did to further the Gospel of Christ. We will certainly miss this great servant of God. As another generation of fundamental leaders pass on, may we each step forward and commit to strive together for the faith of the Gospel.

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